Nadia Kloster

Nadia Kloster is one of the few “falang” female Muay Thai fighters living and competing on the island of Phuket.

With an amazing dedication to training, follow Nadia as she continues to challenge her Muay Thai career.

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Page 2 of the latest blog posts by Nadia Kloster :

Sunday 2nd Oct 2011
Yet another great week at TMT.

It's been really awesome to get back kicking those pads this week. But man, I've been sore.. lol It has been an intense week, just like its supposed to be since I will be fighting in Patong the 10th. And I am looking forward to get back into the ring..! This weekend I have mainly just been...

Sunday 25th Sep 2011
It’s been a while.

It's been a while, since I have been training a week to be more exact, and I am getting Itchy. This entire last week I have been doing nothing but laying in bed, trying to get well from some kinda of flue or something alike. No matter what it was, today I finally feel a lot better and tomorrow is...

Friday 16th Sep 2011
Introducing the feeling-really-stupid-when-forgetting-the-key-on-the-inside TRAP..

One of the things I really don't like about this country aka. Thailand is its doors. Yes you heard me, I don't like the doors. Where I come from, we luck our door from the outside, meaning, I walk out the door, pull out the key and THEN I luck the damn thing. But nooooo, not in Thailand, here they...

Sunday 11th Sep 2011
Check out the fight video from the Queens Birthday.

The Video of my fight at the Queens Birthday is now up, check it out... Also, Tonight my buddy Dorian is fighting, good luck homie!, and to Brian as well who's fighting tomorrow here in Phuket, if anyone is in the area, these guys are always worth...

Thursday 8th Sep 2011
Good luck to both of ya’

I had to say goodbye to two very close friends of mine the other day. Goodbyes are never fun, but I am proud of them, and very happy for them to return home, where they have a fight coming up. I wish them both luck. I have seen them work really hard in training and what can say..... someone is...

Tuesday 6th Sep 2011
Beautiful Thailand.

so, the other day I had trouble sleeping, and what else to do than go for a ride in the middle of the night. I finally ended up at the beach sitting by a palm tree, under the stars watching a thunderstorm far away over the ocean, while listening to the waves, Man this place is beautiful, a very...