Written by Jimmy Irvine Allan, Tuesday 1st Nov 2011
Good to Be Back in Thailand.
Finally I’ve got here!! It’s been a while but already feels like I’ve never been away. Apart from the fact I’m as white as a ghost with a beatroot face! (Gona take a while for my Scottish skin to get used to the Sun again!) So the first thing I did was eat one of Thailand’s notoriously spicy dishes “Tom Yum Goong” ( Spicy, amazingly tasty, prawn soup). My guts are defo going to take a little bit of hardening up again also. Thank god for elecrolytes!!
I arrived back at perfect time to get involved in the Halloween BBQ Beatdown. The BBQ Beatdown is held at the end of every month, Where in the afternoon we get to play football, Students verses the Thai trainers which was a great laugh as usual. Unfortunately we lost 3-1 which is a nightmare as you don’t get any bragging rights against the trainers, you have to just take the stick for it! Great way to interact and play around with the trainers other than training with them. Then after the football at 8pm kicks of the BBQ Beatdown which consists of an awsome all you can eat BBQ and all you can drink beer(not so handy where your supposed to be training to become the next Muay Thai or MMA superstar, hahahaha. Great laugh tho all the same!!:)) then a load of MuayThai, Boxing and MMA fights that students at Tiger Muay Thai can put themselves forward to take part in. So as you can imagine this was a great way to catch up with old friends from the time I spent here before and a time to meet loads more like minded people who are staying and training in this amazing and beautiful Island, Thailand!
Also other differences I’ve noticed is in the fighters ring where there is new trainers and training partners. Which all look so deadly, including current WBC World Muay Thai champion LAMSONGKRAM CHUWATTANA to train, clinch and spar with everyday. Not only him but everyone else in that ring, this can only benefit my Muay Thai so much and I am expecting to see huge improvements over the coming months. So Excited!!! Follow this blog and I’ll tell you week in week out how the training and my development is going.
Cheers Jimmy
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