Written by Nadia Kloster, Sunday 16th Oct 2011
Won my last fight.
So this week I had a fight, already quite a few days ago, was on the 10th. I won by TKO in the second round. If you ask me, not one of my better fights, I found it quite messy, my head being elsewhere than in the ring. Guess we all have our good days and bad days as well, but hey, I still won the fight. And I did feel a slight improvement on some specific techniques which was very satisfying.
Now sadly I have had some trouble with my shoulder and elbow. Prior to my last fight it was okay enough to do pads and training in general as long as I didn’t over due it, so I was compensating some push-ups with sit-ups etc. but after my last fight, where I did some clean up-elbows to my opponents face, I yet again have some serious trouble with my shoulder and elbow, which has been the reason why I haven’t been able to train this week, and sadly had to cancel a fight scheduled on the 23rd.
Hopefully I will soon be able to at least train around the injure, but was kinda hard this week since even shadowing was a problem.
Anyway, stay tuned… AND DON’T EAT YELLOW SNOW!!
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