Written by Jonny Betts, Tuesday 14th Jun 2011
Teaching again :)

Just got back from my first night back teaching Muay Thai in England.While I was in Thailand, the old gym I used to teach at closed down, but recently my friend Liam started classes back up at a new gym (www.bodybionicgym.co.uk)

It feels great to be teaching again.I love being able to share what I’ve been taught by my trainers and see people improve.I also love being hit! haha I know it’s weird but it really makes me feel good.Held pads for 10 rounds tonight.

I brought back a pair of the new design Top King pads.I can not say enough good things about them!By far the best pads I’ve ever used.So comfortable for the pad holder,they have a special pad that protects the holders forearms.It feels like you can hold pads all day without your forearms getting beaten up.And their shape makes them great to hit.The edges are curved so your foot or shin won’t hit a sharp edge.If your a trainer,give them a try.

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