Claire "Bear" Haigh
Claire Haigh is a 3x World Muay Thai Champion and a Martial Combat ESPN STAR Sports veteran.
Having fought for the largest Muay Thai events in the world, Claire ‘”Bear” is now attempting to successfully add MMA to her impressive resume of accomplishments.

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First page with the latest blog posts by Claire "Bear" Haigh :
Sunday 30th Oct 2011
Yup, so it's been ages since my last post, much to poor Ray's frustration but I have got my act together again and have also retrieved my login details and password from Andreas (why it CAN'T be my name and then the name of my pet as the password I really don't know. Then I'd remember it...) so...
Friday 8th Jul 2011
WPMF in Bali
I have decided that I like Bali. Granted, I have only seen a few stretches of road as i plod around making weight in my canvas suit and the inside of my hotel room but so far I like it. It's sort of like Phuket, but although the same tat is for sale in the beach front shops here, no one is actually...
Sunday 26th Jun 2011
Kick, kick, kick…
I am sure that there is some sort of set of rules that state that training on Saturdays should be easier then the other days of the week. There should certainly not be surprise fitness tests in the blistering afternoon heat that seem to consist mainly of an obscene amount of body kicks followed by...
Saturday 18th Jun 2011
After two and a half years out here my Thai is getting pretty good but man, the different tones still kind of baffle me. I have lost count of the times I have stood in a restaurant saying "kao kaa moo...kao kaa moo...moo...kaa moo, dammit!" before finally pointing "That, okay?" only to be told...
Wednesday 8th Jun 2011
Scrapes and abrasions
Awing is a nasty mean man. I am now sporting a scrape down the side of my face from the umpteenth time that he threw me into the ropes. He is unkind...that is all I have to say on the matter. However, that is nothing compared to the worst case ever of "ab bench ass" that I currently have. You...
Saturday 4th Jun 2011
A-wing is back!
Hurrah! Muay Thai Contender Asia and K1 veteran Heung Pak Wing is at Tiger to prepare for his July fight in Hong Kong. He's a beast!...