Written by Jamie Mackinnon, Tuesday 27th Sep 2011
Aussie Aussie Aussie

Last night was my 5th Thai fight and I had my Aussie fan club in support lol

As usual the fight poster had the wrong flag under my name and last night I was Australian. Patong boxing stadium had a fair few Aussie’s in attendance last night and needless to say they were all cheering for the “Aussie” fighter. Before the fight I had a group of Aussie shella’s come take picture’s and tell me they were cheering for me. I looked at Kru Don and we both laughed, he said you have Aussie fan club lol

I was fighting Komsorn and was trying to stay relaxed and not rush things too much and end up in a mad frenzy as usual. also had my Aussie Fan club that I couldn’t disappoint hehe

I was happier with the performance as I was a bit more relaxed and did manage to work some things I had learned in training. I won in the 2nd round via Tko after landing some strike’s and the Aussie fan club was cheering ;)

After the fight was quite crazy as had loads of people (mainly Aussie’s) come and get me to sign things and talk to me.

Fellow TMT fighter and training partner Brain was fighting last night and was unlucky to receive a big elbow to the back of the head finishing the fight. Brain was up against Radompol who is a huge Thai and was winning the first 3 rounds until he got caught with the elbow. Brain is a gamer and will be back in action in a few weeks time hopefully with someone the same weight :)

It’s Kru Don’s birthday today so a BIG Happy Birthday and Thanks goes out to Don for all his help and support at training and the fights :)


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