Written by Neha Chaudhary, Thursday 29th Mar 2012
And so we begin……

I’ve never been much of an internet profile person (there – I just made up my own term!)…don’t see why the world(and by that I mean facebook) would be interested in knowing that I am currently craving raspberry chocolate macaroons or that I want to set off on a new adventure – boldly going where no man(or woman) has gone before!

So blogging is going to be a very new experience for me – boldly going out of Neha’s comfort zone!

In a week’s time it’s going to be a year since I arrived at Tiger. And it’s been QUITE a year!

I remember my first week – away from home, alone for the first time and striving to figure out where I stood exactly in the grand scheme of things…

A year later- I never feel more at home than while I am slogging at the fighter’s ring with kru Laimangkon yelling at me to do something or the other or Kru Nontachai debating with me over the reasons why fighters get tired :)

It’s been a year full of new people – I was lucky that my training partners turned out to be such an awesome bunch, it’s just sad that most have left for their home countries – come back you guys!

And most of all – it’s been a year full of fights! I had a good fight year last year however I am now realizing that gaining muscle weight is necessary for me (I fight at 46kilos) and this is going to be a real challenge!

Between intense muaythai sessions & my metabolism I seem to lose muscle and I have no idea how to go about gaining the right way.
(help is always appreciated ;) )

Wow for someone who’s not a blogger I do seem to have gone on & on & on….must save something for the next post – hmmm maybe I’ll write on destiny :)

Until then…

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