Written by Justin Governale, Monday 7th Nov 2011
time heals all wounds

I had this idea for this tattoo since 2005 and just got it earlier today! Yes that’s a human (male) heart in her hand and it represents that women are beautiful and are like parking lots because they are all liars and whores…just kidding mom and every other girl that is not a whore, what I meant to say was evil :P . Anyways, I need a break from the competitions so I am only going to work boxing this whole week so I can recover mentally as well as let the tattoo heal.

For those of you who read my post yesterday, I literally pop my head out of the tattoo shop to make sure my truck is not getting towed and the guy who got away from me and my buddy is like 10 feet away walking towards me…He recognized me but I made the decision to pretend I didn’t see him as he looked directly at the ground in panic. I think things happen for a reason and life is about choices. I could have chosen to beat him or chase him but I asked myself “what is the overall outcome?” I just let him pass but what are the odds? I was maybe 15 minutes away by vehicle! Anyways, I got this ink done and her face is painted like the Dia de Los Muertos (day of the dead) so there is a bit of hispanic culture involded in the making…not to mention Mexican chicks are CRAZY LOL. Well I am stoked and thanks for stalking…

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