Written by Justin Governale, Tuesday 17th Jan 2012
Man oh MAN
Where do I start? I honeslty haven’t blogged in a minute so I appologize stalkers. I have been REALLY busy. I am not a full time college student and am also training for my fourth MMA fight. I fell off the wagon due to an injury but am back at 100% After I was injured I drove down to Texas to visit my family for the holidays. I was in Texas for about 6 weeks and could only train Gi Jiu Jitsu at Paragon BJJ, and I expected to not get as much out of training but to tell you the truth I learned so much because I was put out of my comfort zone. I honeslty now believe you learn the most when you are injured because you are forced to change your game. Anyways, a few things happened when I was home…
My brother on my sniper team was passing through to Mexico and hit up Laredo Tx for a week. This guy was like my older brother I never had! He would always get mad at me and curse at me in spanish when I would fuck up in the Marine Corps. When he got out of the Marine Corps. at his going away party I literally cried (yes homo) I was not sure how long it would be till we crossed pathes but three years later here he is:
Juanito the Beaner! (he was the only full Mexican in my platoon so to alleviate racist jokes on me, I would direct them towards him)
I took him around my town and we had drinks, talked about past times, and both freaked out when the microphone was dropped at a Kareoke bar and the speakers made a loud “bang” noise…Glad to see we are still on the same page…I already miss him…
Christmas came and I got an iPod from my girl wrapped in my favorite snack…Mexican Candies. I had loads of it and ate ALL of it…here is a pic of what it looked like hours later :P :
A week later, when I was down in the “barrio” celebrating New Years with my family I could have sworn I heard gunfire instead of fireworks. I also thought that because I am a veteran that my mind was just playing tricks on me as usual. I swear my family is within 5 feet of my moms car and I heard a bullet impact. I SWORE it was an impact! Immediately I yell “shut the fuck up and get inside” to all my family members :). My aunt asked if someone dropped a bottle or something but I knew what that distinct sound was. I told everyone that it was a bullet impact and everyone ran inside in panic. Sure enough I go back outside to check and there was a bullet hole about three inches away from my moms back winshield. I did what any other Marine would do and chuckled as I took a picture of it seconds after. I guess we literally left 2011 with a bang:
I ended my vacation and needed to get back to California to start college and train hard for my upcoming fight Feb 3rd in Las Vegas at the Hilton. I want to give a shout out to my Laredo peeps as I will have a few of them attending my fight so I have been training extra hard 3 times a day. The coolest picture I took on my 24 hour road trip with no stops or sleep was driving through the mountains sleep deprived:
Last week my other brother visited in from Iraq. I took the sniper indoc with him, went to sniper school with him TWICE LOL (failed try one) Mountain sniper and were partners, we were room mates, went to Iraq twice toghether, instucted at Pre Scout Sniper School toghether, were room mates again, went to Afghanistan and worked toghether as contractors, went to state Dept. Designated Defensive Marksmanship Course etc. etc. etc. This guy like many others is my brother and when he opened my fridge he laughed and took me to the grocery store and stocked it. I was so happy because I am trying to make a path out of school and fighting and I don’t have much money these days. I guess I need to make sacrifices here and there…I said he didn’t have to ,but he told me he was just trying to buy his soul back ;) He even bought 4 bottles of liquor and said I would like to drink it after my fight along with 2 twelve packs of beer:
Guess what I drank? :’( 3 weeks and I can have some, he kind of finished one bottle over the course of the week but it’s ok!
Well, week two of school starts tomorrow and I am slowly learning to open up to people that aren’t veterans or fighters! Believe it or not that is a bit tough for me but I am glad I am going to school after I have some life experience, it gives me perspective and I am actually eager to learn. I should get to bed for some early BJJ and some school tomorrow…make sure you keep stalking and sorry for keeping you all waiting, I will do my best to keep you all posted. Come check out my fight at the Las Vegas Hilton on Feb. 3rd if you are in the area, thanks for the support…
Thanks for stalking…
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