Jamie "Milkman" Mackinnon

Jamie Mackinnon is Originally from Scotland.

A BJJ Blue Belt under Professor Elbe, Jamie is looking to gain experience through competition as he continues to establish a resume that will allow him to fight professionally in MMA Internationally.

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Page 3 of the latest blog posts by Jamie "Milkman" Mackinnon :

Wednesday 28th Sep 2011

Would like to ask you all to take a few minutes to vote for Dundee Mixed Martial Arts Youth And Community Sports Association. Dundee MMA is the gym back in Scotland where I train. It is a charity set up to provide Health and Fitness to the local community. They do this by having...

Tuesday 27th Sep 2011
Aussie Aussie Aussie

Last night was my 5th Thai fight and I had my Aussie fan club in support lol As usual the fight poster had the wrong flag under my name and last night I was Australian. Patong boxing stadium had a fair few Aussie's in attendance last night and needless to say they were all cheering for the...

Saturday 24th Sep 2011
Tonight, Tonight, Tonight, Real Fights

Tonight is DARE Championships 2nd Pro MMA event. If the first event is anything to go by this is going to be off the scale. Representing Tiger Muay Thai (Thailands best) and Phuket Pro Nutrition Fight Division is Wiktor 'The Slayer' Svennson. Wiktor is currently 3-0 and looking to remain...

Monday 19th Sep 2011
Lost in translation

Having been in Thailand several times and for long periods of time you would expect me to be able to speak and understand Thai. I would say that I have basic understanding of the language but to be honest I should know more than I do and I'm sometimes just to shy to use it. I do try to speak when...

Tuesday 13th Sep 2011
Team TMT go 3-0 :)

Last night I fought at Patong Boxing Stadium along with fellow TMT fighters Brain Robetson and young Thai fighter Simon. Simon is the son of Kru Goi and is only 16yrs old. He was up first and set the tone by winning his fight by decision after a 5 round back and forth battle. Up next was...

Tuesday 6th Sep 2011
Gotta keep moving Just heard this song and it's really made me think. It isn't really the type of song I would expect to relate to but I did :) I've been away from home for almost 2 and a half years. I started off my adventure with a some what uncertain goal in mind....